Biography 1 ers bikers motorcycle clubs
1%er biker meaning
To be a 1%er, one must commit to a unit (club) and live his entire life for the good of the unit.
List of outlaw motorcycle clubs
These gangs have expertise in sophisticated weapons and possess an intricate intelligence network.
Big 4 motorcycle clubs
These clubs, commonly known as outlaw motorcycle clubs, consist of a unique brotherhood of bikers who live by their own rules and defy societal norms.
List of motorcycle clubs by state
Istilah 1%er Motorcycle Club biasanya menggambarkan Motorcycle/Bikers Club yang dilarang diberbagai negara oleh pemerintahnya, seperti Hells Angels MC, bandidos MC, Pagan MC, Outlaws MC, Mongols MC dan banyak lagi, karena 99% Motorcycle/Bikers Club lainnya merupakan warga taat hukum.