Life and works of leonardo da vinci

What was leonardo da vinci famous for

Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, engineer, architect, inventor, and student of all things scientific.

life and works of leonardo da vinci

When was leonardo da vinci born and died

Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, engineer, architect, inventor, and student of all things scientific.

Interesting facts about leonardo da vinci

Works by Verrocchio can also be found in some foreign museums: among the most important are the portrait of Giuliano de’ Medici at the National Gallery in Washington, the Young Gentlewoman at the Frick Collection in New York, the model for the cenotaph of Cardinal Niccolò Forteguerri at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and the two.

Leonardo da vinci wife
Works by Verrocchio can also be found in some foreign museums: among the most important are the portrait of Giuliano de’ Medici at the National Gallery in Washington, the Young Gentlewoman at the Frick Collection in New York, the model for the cenotaph of Cardinal Niccolò Forteguerri at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and the two.